Doctrinal Statement

Doctrinal Statement

Doctrinal Statement

  1. We believe that there is one true God who has manifested Himself in three persons, Father, Son, and Spirit.
  2. We believe that the Bible is the only authority in matters of faith and practice, having been miraculously inspired and preserved by God.
  3. We believe that God has preserved His Word in the Masoretic Hebrew and Received Greek Text. We therefore use only the Authorized or King James Version because it was translated from these two original language texts.
  4. We believe that God created the world in six, literal, twenty-four hour periods.
  5. We believe that man is created in the image of God, but is sinful by nature as a result of Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden.
  6. We believe in a literal devil who will ultimately suffer defeat at the hands of God the Son.
  7. We believe that unsaved men who die rejecting Christ will have their part in the lake of fire, the planned abode of Satan forever.
  8. We believe that in order to provide a means of salvation for all mankind, God the Son became a man, being born of a virgin.
  9. We believe that He lived a sinless life and died a vicarious death in the place of every man who ever comes into the world.
  10. We believe that He physically rose from the dead on the third day and subsequently ascended to the Father where He is currently seated at the Father’s right hand. Accordingly, all that is necessary to take away sin and reconcile man to God has been completed.
  11. We believe that man must exercise faith in the Gospel in order to be saved, trusting in Christ’s finished work on Calvary to take away his sin, thereby making him fit for heaven.
  12. We believe that though God is sovereign, He limits His sovereignty so as to allow mankind a free will to either accept or reject His offer of salvation.
  13. We believe that Jesus Christ will return at any moment in the clouds to call home his saints, both those who are then alive and those who have died. This return will transpire prior to both the Tribulation and the Millennial reign of Christ.
  14. We believe that Christians are to live a life visibly different from the unsaved world.
  15. We believe that God’s work is done through the local church and that the church is God’s means of caring out His plan for the salvation of the lost and the training of believers.
  16. We believe that sign gifts of the New Testament are no longer given today and we reject what is commonly referred to as speaking in tongues and the charismatic movement.