Cliffs and Fences:
Holiness and Personal Separation in Biblical Perspective
Paul Crow
There was a day when Christians were known for their lifestyle of distinction from the unsaved world. Some things Christians just did not do. There was personal separation that seemed to be the pervading norm among God’s people.
Today, however, believers are seemingly less convinced than ever of the worth of living a separated, holy life as evidenced by their daily choices. To be sure, this confusion has been fueled by extreme applications of separation in the past, but the resulting pendulum swing has caused many to abandon personal standards altogether. There is a need for balance in this vital area. God’s people must reflect God’s holiness to the unsaved world in the daily choices of life. There are many things today that Christians should not do. On the other hand, there will be areas of disagreement in some specific applications of personal holiness. The Bible teaches believers how to deal with these as well.
Cliffs and Fences is an attempt to strike the Biblical balance, showing the Scriptural and theological mandate for living a separated life, while simultaneously steering clear of so many extremes that have plagued the doctrine of personal holiness.
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