This is a great time for us because we are in the busy season.  We are in meeting after meeting in different churches in Montana, and are seeing the Lord work in the churches that we are privileged to serve.  Please pray for the Word of God to take lodging in hearts even after we are no longer in the place where different people heard it.

Please pray particularly for a girl named Evie (I think that is the correct spelling of her name).  She heard the Gospel last Wednesday, but quickly left before anyone from the church could get the opportunity to follow up with her.  She did raise her hand for prayer during the invitation, but did not come forward.

Another faithful man in church yesterday is unsaved.  He heard the Gospel, but has not responded for salvation.  Please pray for him.

School continues for the children, both the ones here in our trailer and Josiah in college.  The addition of college bills calls for more money to keep the bill current.  We were in a tough spot to pay October’s bill due at the beginning of the month, but God miraculously supplied the money.  We are grateful for His provision.

As I type this, I am grateful to God for sunlight.  The power converter in our trailer has gone out, along with our refrigerator and hot water heater.  That means that the AC appliances work–microwave, television, but the DC ones do not.  Direct current runs our thermostat for the heater, all of the lights, and many other parts of the trailer.  The problem we are having appears to be quite complex and we need to get to the bottom of it.

It is possible that once the DC power is restored, the refrigerator will work again.  Why the water heater is not working, I have no idea.  I chalk it up to Satan’s working against us as we try to minister to the Lighthouse Baptist Church of Butte, Montana.  At any rate, we will be making a lot of phone calls today and talking to people about getting the necessary repairs completed.  Please pray that the warranty company will uphold their part of the contract and pay for the needed repairs, whatever they may be.  There are two months left of extended warranty coverage left on the trailer, and the company can be notoriously difficult to deal with.

In reality, all the trailer problems are an opportunity to gain new contacts.  Please pray that we would be good stewards of each contact, giving the Gospel to each one.