Some years ago when I was still in high school, I heard a Christian college group in a Sunday morning church service.  They sang a song entitled “All God’s Creatures Got a Place in the Choir.”  It was a fun song, to be sure, but I was impressed with the lack of spiritual content in the song, especially for a Sunday morning service.

Unfortunately, this message follows much the same vein: very little spiritual content.  That being said, God does remind us that “Every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.”  I suppose that we have seen the cattle upon a thousand hills since crossing the Mississippi River back in May.  Today, we saw one the beasts of the forest.

IMG_9273 When confronted with an animal like this, especially this close up, two things come to mind.  First of all, Praise the Lord who made such a magnificent animal!  Second of all, When and where can I get my tag?  Pass the rifle; this looks a lot like dinner.

The Chinese would have us remember that a picture is worth a thousand words.  You really don’t want to read a thousand words from me, so I will simply endeavor to say what I am thinking in pictures.

